A newly proposed bylaw to protect Halifax from unwanted infill activity in the Northwest Arm is being introduced, but neglects to include Dartmouth Cove.
On Tuesday, November 14th, 2023, Halifax City Council is set to introduce a proposed bylaw designed to prevent the infill of the Northwest Arm. While the Northwest Arm's situation has received significant attention, it's disheartening to note that the proposed bylaw makes no mention of Dartmouth Cove, a vital and beloved part of our community.
The priority of the Northwest Arm's proposed infill in this bylaw, while Dartmouth Cove remains unmentioned, raises a compelling question. Why should one proposal for infill be addressed within the bylaw, while another equally concerning proposal affecting Dartmouth Cove is left unaddressed?
We Need Your Support: Stand Up for Dartmouth Cove
Next Tuesday, when City Council convenes to vote on this pivotal bylaw, it's essential that we make our collective voice heard. We must express our strong disagreement with the proposed infill in Dartmouth Cove and advocate for its inclusion within the protective measures of this bylaw.
It is crucial to emphasize that Dartmouth Cove is a cherished, picturesque part of our community, valued just as highly as the Northwest Arm. Our tranquil waterfront, beloved by residents and appreciated for its ecological significance, deserves the same attention and protection.
How You Can Support the Cause:
Write a letter of support to City Council (contacts linked below), urging the inclusion of Dartmouth Cove in the proposed infill bylaw.
Encourage your friends, family, and neighbours to do the same.
Stay informed about the developments related to this issue and be ready to lend your voice when the time comes.
By uniting in our advocacy for Dartmouth Cove, we can make a compelling case for its protection. We believe that our community's heritage and its natural treasures are worth preserving for future generations.
In Conclusion
Halifax City Council is at a crossroads in determining the future of Dartmouth Cove. The stark absence of Dartmouth Cove in the proposed bylaw is an evident oversight, one that our united community has the power to correct. After all, all three levels of government, including Halifax Regional Municipality, have publicly opposed infilling in Dartmouth Cove. Therefore, there seems to be no valid reason for its exclusion from the new bylaw. Failing to include Dartmouth Cove would contradict the earlier public stance of all levels of government on this matter, undermining the collective commitment to preserve this vital part of our community.
Thank you for your support and dedication to Dartmouth Cove. Together, we can make a difference.
Cite Council Contact Information
Please draft your letter of support to all HRM City Councillors. Please cc Andy Fillmore, MP Halifax, andy.fillmore@parl.gc.ca and Darren Fisher, MP Dartmouth-Cole Harbour, darren.fisher@parl.gc.ca who have been working to encourage HRM to bring forward this bylaw.
You can copy and paste the following addresses and use the starter text below:
Subject: Urgent Support Needed: Include Dartmouth Cove in the Proposed Infill Bylaw
Dear Halifax City Council,
I am writing to express my strong support for the inclusion of Dartmouth Cove in the proposed infill bylaw being proposed this Tuesday, November 14. Dartmouth Cove holds immense significance for our community, and its exclusion is a matter of concern. [Feel free to add your personal thoughts and experiences here.] I urge you to support the efforts to amend the bylaw to include Dartmouth Cove, ensuring our community's interests are protected.
Sincerely, [Your Name]
Waverley-Fall River-Musquodoboit Valley
Cathy Deagle Gammon
Preston-Chezzetcook -Eastern Shore
David Hendsbee
Dartmouth South-Eastern Passage
Becky Kent
Cole Harbour-Westphal
Trish Purdy
Dartmouth Centre
Sam Austin
Harbourview-Burnside-Dartmouth East
Tony Mancini
Peninsula South-Downtown
Waye Mason
Peninsula North
Lindell Smith
Armdale- Peninsula West
Shawn Cleary
Halifax-Bedford Basin West
Kathryn Morse
Timberlea-Beechville-Clayton Park West
Iona Stoddard
Hammonds Plains-St. Margaret's
Pam Lovelace
Middle & Upper Sackville- Lucasville
Lisa Blackburn
Lower Sackville
Paul Russell
Bedford- Wentworth
Tim Outhit
Mailing Address for all Councillors
PO Box 1749
Halifax Nova Scotia
B3J 3A5